In a website, I can read a very interesting and present article in relation to drinking parents and the damage to their children. This article attracted my attention because I think that this is a very common problem in the world included our country, and can cause future drinking children or drugs consumers, interfamilial violence, and psychological consequence for their children; and all this is directly related with the physical and psychological health of society

Approximately 2.6m children in the UK live in a house where at least one parent's drinking. This is a risk factor of neglect or some consequence previously mentioned

Is estimated that 100 children, some aged just five years; have called to Childline every week with concerns about a parent's alcohol drug abuse.

Something that worry to Sr. Shenker, Alcohol Concern's chief executive, is that although the problem is big and really worrying, nobody realize some action to resolve the problem.

In the article is state that: "A government inquiry must look at all aspects of parental alcohol misuse so that we can improve outcomes for these children."

In fact, Anne Milton, thinks that is necessary identifies early on children and families that need support in related to alcohol consumption. She will help launch the report today at the House of Lords with the children’s minister, the Sr. Tim Loughton

Although heavy alcohol consumption in parents is a risk factor for their children, also are drugs, experiences of domestic violence and mental ill-health; said Dr Sarah Galvani, chair of the British Association of Social Workers special interest group in alcohol and other drugs

Bob Reitemeier, chief executive of the Children's Society, said that: "We make a calling to the government to make sure that everyone who needs either training or education to deal with parental substance abuse is given the appropriate assistance."


1 comentario:

  1. hi pia!
    I was surprised by the numbers is worrying still haven't clear measures about!
    Se you!
