Many theories say that color really does not exist. Say that the color is a visual perception that is generated in the brain when interpret nerve signals that send of photoreceptors located in the retina of the eyes.

The colors are waves that are perceived by our organs of vision and are interpreted in the brain as colors according the wavelengths of each.
Speaking of the colors from another point of view, these wavelengths produce other effects on people.
May produce different sensations, which normally are not conscious. Immediately some examples of colors…

> White: is associated with the light, goodness, innocence, freshness, cleanliness, purity and virginity. Is considerate how the color of perfection

> Yellow: produce the effect of hot, provoke joy, happiness, stimulates mental activity and generates muscle energy. Attracted much attention

> Green: is the color of nature. Generates harmony and a sense of freshness, is the most relaxing color to the human eye and can help improve eyesight. Green suggests stability and endurance, growth and hope.

> Red: is a intense color in the emotional area. Improving human metabolism, increases respiration rate and increase blood pressure. is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with danger, energy, strength, determination and the passion, desire and love.

> Blue: is a reserved color. Can express: trust, booking, harmony, affection, friendship, loyalty, love, Tranquility, truth, dignity, perseverance and faith. In some religions is associated with the gods and the powers of heaven.

> Black: It is the opposite of light, absorbs light and reflects nothing. Sometimes is interpreted how the color of the dissolution, separation, sadness but also can produce positive feelings such as seriousness, nobility, sophistication, elegance, power, rebellion

Very interesting no?.