Hi, today I’m going to talk about my ideal job. First I tell to you that the most important for me and one of reason because I studying midwifery, is my compromise with the people that need it. Therefore is significant for me job in a public system, and maybe in the private system too. This depends of the job opportunities arising. The specific area to job, is not clear for me, this is a topic that I decide later when I will know all topics in depth and after of the practice.
In relation with schedule, the ideal for me is in the morning, approximately from nine in the morning to three or four in afternoon, would be great!!
Too is very important for me working in a good environment with goodwill, fellowship, and organization because this is fundamental to realize a good job; also is benefit to welfare physical and psychological of the users and health staff.
In relation to responsibilities in the job, I think that I’m capable of organize and take big responsibilities.
The building to job is not very outstanding for me, but I think would be great if is a place with a good infrastructure: enough amount beds, medicaments, consumables, and even amount of professionals because this recourses are necessary to offer a best attention for people.



John was a student; he was 19 years old and in the day of her birthday happened this: That night he and some friends went to a party in a centre of city. Were dancing, and the Juan friend’s said this: “sorry John, we’ve danced enough, we go out of party, bye” and John stayed there because liked a girl.
One hour later the girl goes, and john stayed lonely. He goes to the bus stop to return his home very sad, without a girl and friends. In this place, very dark and cold, saw a too pretty woman in the corner. As John is an adventurer, he approached and talk to her. The woman talked wiht John and after some minutes said her: “…I know a snack bar, its a few kilometres from here, and its better than stay here. I’m in car, go?” .And John excited said yes.
Them were up on the car, the woman started drive, when suddenly three persons appeared from the back of car! The mysterious persons covered the John eyes, and bound him while the women continued driving. They shouted to John. He was very repentant and frightened, he didn’t know who was happening. Minutes after, the car stopped, the doors opened, John shivering. They threw him to the floor and…surprise! Were her friends, they prepared a party to John for her birthday. All was a joke



The education and prevention, are some of more important topics in our career, because are fundamental in the decrease of important diseases. The more common prevention campaign in related with obstetrics and midwifery, are principally about: avoid the contagion with sexually transmitted infections, increase the realization of smear test and mammography in population, report about the importance of antenatal control and care of pregnant and new born.

The more use strategy to inform all population is through publication of posters in the most popular places included the medical center; and the free distribution of condoms, this in related with prevention of STI how a gonorrhea, syphilis and even AIDS. In related with care of pregnant and new born, more use is a talk realized for a midwife to all interested woman, pregnant and postpartum women.

To educate, is important know the population to which addressed, to determinate what topic is necessary discuss according to need of people, the suitable language, the audiovisual material and all necessary to realize a effective education and prevention.

I think the principally need of the Chilean people and related whit my career is the smear test, because early detection of the human papilloma virus is fundamental in the fall the incidence of cervix cancer. The same happens with the mammography and breast cancer. Both preventions are very important, because those cancers are one principally causes of dead of women in Chile



Is interesting to observe how now the women have been incorporating to the workplace in all areas. Are really a success and a pride for me that nowadays the women are independent and capable of realize any task, which formerly was only to the men. Now men and women share the same responsibilities…
The same was happened in the topic of health. Be a health professional now isn’t only task of the men. That is part of past. The women we achieved introduce in this topic and perform a fundamental role.
In related with midwifery, I think that many women prefer be seen for a women, because the women are many sensitive that the men, and capable to put oneself in a place of the users, and can understand better, their thinking and feelings; this is in related with psychological topic. But in relation to knowledge and quality of care, there is no difference between men and women. Therefore I think should not have difference as regard to the salary, would a injustice, because the perform realized is the same. Sincerely I unknown how is handle the topic of salaries.

My career always has been associated more with women, however men are increasingly interested in studying midwifery, gradually is equal amount of women and amount of men, and this is very good!